The story I'm going to tell, is not my story.
It is the story of someone, who is telling a story which is very similar to his own.
The dream I will remember, won't be mine.
It's the dream of someone who remembers a dream, that is very similar to his own.
I think of stories I like to make stories.
To tell them. I know this must sound like the dream of little Iasonas. What will he be when he grows up.
When I wake up, it'll happen again.
It'll start all over...
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Ενα κητος, οχι απαραιτητα θαλασσιο,
που σου επιτρεπει να ζεις μεσα του, πανω του,
δινοντας σου λιγες συντομες ανασες καπου καπου
και λιγο αλμυρο νερο που ξεβραζει απο το ακροφυσιο του.